pp108 : Adding Custom Methods to a WS-AppServer Model

Adding Custom Methods to a WS-AppServer Model

This topic describes the procedure to add custom methods to a WS-AppServer model.

Using the data in the database tables, WS-AppServer generates standard methods. However, these methods may not meet all the requirements of implementing business logic in applications. To accommodate such needs, WS-AppServer facilitates adding custom methods as per your specifications.

  1. Double-click the <WS-AppServer Package> from either of the following locations:
    • Workspace Documents (My Recent Documents) window.
    • Workspace Documents (Explorer) > <solution> > <project> . The WS-AppServer Package window appears, displaying the data models and their corresponding attributes, methods, and relations.
  2. In the Models group box, right-click a model and select Add > Method. The Method Properties dialog box appears.
  3. Fill in the required details on the dialog box and click OK. The new method is created in the Methods group box.

    The custom method is added to the class.

After you complete this task:
The newly created method does not contain any parameter. To make it operational, add parameter(s) to it.

Related tasks

Adding an Attribute to a WS-AppServer Model
Adding Standard Methods to a WS-AppServer Model
Adding a Parameter to a Method
Creating or Updating Web Service Interface on WS-AppServer Models

Related reference

Method Properties Interface